Netflix and Pureflix in Linux

Netflix and Pureflix in Linux

This is out-dated information since Netflix no longer requires SilverLight. Just enable DRM in Firefox and it will work.

Pureflix is a video service available in Canada and the USA that has always worked in Linux.


For Debian derivatives Ubuntu, Pear, Linux Mint, etc.:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipelight/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --install-recommends pipelight-multi
sudo pipelight-plugin --update
sudo pipelight-plugin --enable silverlight
sudo apt-get install netflix-desktop

After the above run netflix-desktop and it will prompt to install the remaining required packages for WINE.


  1. Install Pipelight, which will pull in the required version of Wine and anything else it needs.
    emerge -va pipelight
  2. You will almost certainly end up running that command twice because the first time you try you will be given some lines that need to be added to your packages.keywords and packages.use files (or files within those directories) in /etc/portage/.
  3. After you have everything installed from the above go to and get the latest version of Firefox for Windows.
  4. Next, launch the Firefox EXE file using wine, e.g.:
    wine Downloads/Firefox\ Setup\ 34.0.5.exe

    Install Firefox as you would in Windows.

  5. Once Firefox is installed and running go to and try to watch a movie. You will be prompted to install Silverlight just click the Install button. Once installed you will see a checkbox for “automatic updates” — it doesn't matter whether you leave it checked or not because it won't work either way.

That's it. Your movie should now be playing.